Building VTK User Interfaces: Interlude – The WearBerry

This is a quick post to provide an image for future posts – the WearBerry ISO. In later posts, we will use a set of Raspberry Pi B+’s to integrate user feedback into the VTK environment. Specifically, Xbox controller input and video feeds will be streamed from a user via LCM into the 3D world. It was a bit of work to set up the image, and it might be useful for other projects, so I thought I’d make it available online. The download link and install steps are included below!

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Building VTK User Interfaces: Mid-Way Summary and Next Steps

Up to now, the focus has been on setting up the system and building the 3D environment. With this all baked in, the remaining posts will add all the components that make it into a complete system. These will discuss how to overlay 2D PyQt UI’s and how to connect the visualization via LCM to an real-world bot. A number of interesting points have also been raised by readers, so I’m including sections for installing on Windows, integrating camera real-world feeds, and using GLSL to build shaders in VTK.

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