Little Orc Wars: It’s on Android phones!

A quick update – Little Orc Wars is running pretty decently on my Galaxy S3 Mini, and, well, if it can work on that, it can work anywhere!

Couple of small touch/movement fixes – and a bit of a brutal CPU-hogging hack – and then on to the iPhones 🙂

– Sam

Introducing Little Orc Wars

….*Crickets chirping*…. I know, I’ve let SemiSorted hang for a while… but it’s finally time to get it back up to date. One project I’ve been dying to post about is Little Orc Wars. It’s a tabletop game that was developed by H.G. Wells (famous for the War of the Worlds and Time Machine books). Well, we’re turning it into a video game which can be tried out at Comicpalooza 2015.

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